📕 Node [[do most students really start their undergraduate experience completely ignorant of the vast]]
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📄 Do-most-students-really-start-their-undergraduate-experience-completely-ignorant-of-the-vast.md by @enki

Do most students really start their undergraduate experience completely

ignorant of the vast…

(Related: I have no idea how so many otherwise intelligent and well-educated people manage to maintain the belief that poststructuralism…

Do most students really start their undergraduate experience completely ignorant of the vast variety of models in critical theory? I certainly didn’t, and neither did my peers (in a STEM curriculum, no less).

(Related: I have no idea how so many otherwise intelligent and well-educated people manage to maintain the belief that poststructuralism posits a fully mutable truth. The poststructuralist attitude — that socially constructed and socially enforced ideas are subject to power relations — is very different, and while there’s a lot of discussion about what ideas are accidents of culture rather than material or metaphysical truths, it’s enormously misleading to suggest that poststructuralists in general consider all truths to be socially constructed. This kind of straw-poststructuralism gets held up a lot by people who must have at least read some of the literature, and I don’t know how.)

By John Ohno on September 8, 2017.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/do-most-students-really-start- their-undergraduate-experience-completely-ignorant-of-the-vast-8470537a83a4)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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